The Digital Garden

A garden for life! A garden eden! A garden of play! A garden of reflection ! A garden of peace ! A garden of dreams! A garden of love !

Virtual gardens in a garden. The Digital Garden Exhibition by Thorsten S. Wiedemann, curator and director of the playful media festival A MAZE. could be a garden of 1000 gardens and is a metaphor of change. We have to change how we address nature and topic of nature to the audience. Nature is precious, nature is strong, nature is what people need to relax, reflect and celebrate. We have to create narratives and interaction around nature, plant, leisure in digital games and virtual reality to make people more sensitive about how we should treat our nature instead of destroying little by little our own garden and case away to new planet.

Love should be nature, respect should be nature, caring should be nature, caring about others is the new punk . Be yourself and hack the system to the good! Everyone could become a good gardener.

You can visit The Digital Garden at Plan B Day. The later will be held February 15–17 at Mental Complex Studio, Lopans’ka embankment, 2/2. Participation in Plan B Day is free upon registration: If you have already registered, you do not need to fill out the form again.