ANDRII ZINCHENKO (Slavutich, Ukraine)

А co-founder and the head of community projects at NGO Greencubator, the editor of the section “Teplo&Svitlo” (“Warm&Bright”) in “Economichna Pravda” (“Economic Truth”) magazine. He is also a laureate of the Stanford Bright Award. Andrew has extensive experience in developing and advocating policies aimed at sustainable development and implementation of renewable energy sources. Now he is focused on energy sustainability of communities and energy democracy. Among the most recent projects of Andrew is the municipal energy cooperative “Sunny City” in Slavutych.

To accommodate solar power plants, the energy cooperative will lease the roofs of municipal objects. Part of the net profit “Sunny City” intends to direct on the projects for equality, technology and social orientation. Now “Sunny City” at the stage of preparation for a cooperative community (crowdfunding) and obtaining the necessary permissions and approvals. In the framework of Plan B Day conference, Andrii will present a project on energy co-operatives and tell about the processes of implementation of alternative energy sources in Ukraine.